Photo: John O'Connell / Flickr / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

€200m expansion of Rosslare Europort given green light

The Irish Government has given its approval to proceed Rosslare Europort's expansion plan the tender stage. It is estimated the upgrade will cost in the region of €200m.

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In a statement, the government said the upgrade works are necessary to provide permanent Brexit infrastructure at Rosslare Europort and ensure compliance with EU Customs, sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) and official food controls legislation, thereby providing protection for the EU single market.

Funding for the development will be claimed under the Brexit Adjustment Reserve.

Speaking after the Government meeting, Minister McGrath said:

“Today, I briefed my cabinet colleagues on this important stage of Ireland’s post Brexit adjustment. I am delighted to confirm that this vital project can now move to tender stage to upgrade the existing temporary facilities with a more permanent solution. My Department has been coordinating progress on the significant infrastructure required post Brexit since 2018.

“I would like to congratulate the OPW on their ongoing work to develop the required infrastructure solutions at our ports and airports. The Brexit checks at the three locations of Rosslare, Dublin Port and Dublin airport have been operational since January 2021 and this was achieved with minimal disruption to the daily workings of the ports and airport.

“This is a vital development to ensure Ireland can effectively manage the new requirements for checks and controls on trade with the UK. It will facilitate trade at the port and support other exciting opportunities being developed for Rosslare and the South East.

“I look forward to seeing the completion of the tender process and the commencement of these essential works over the period ahead.”

Last autumn, Managing Director Glenn Carr revealed Rosslare Europort’s future ambitions in an interview with Trans.INFO. You can read the full text here.

Photo: John O’Connell / Flickr / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0