Councillors mull urban planning changes amid surge in HGV traffic at Rosslare Port

The surge in freight volumes seen at the Port of Rosslare post-Brexit appears to have rejuvenated both the port and the local area. However, according to the Irish Independent, it is forcing lorry drivers to “get creative" when it comes to parking.

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The issue with parking near the port has caught the attention of some local councillors, including Councillor Ger Carthy.

During a December meeting of the Rosslare Municipal District council, Carthy asked for action to create additional parking spaces:

“The St Martin’s Road carriageway is three times the width of a normal carriageway, is there a possibility we can install build-outs or temporary bollards, similar to what we installed at Centra in Rosslare Strand, to stop trucks overnight parking along by the residential estates there?” he asked Roads Engineer Mark Collins. “And could we also talk to Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) in relation to the main road from Kilrane to the service station, the trucks are parking between the build-outs on the road there, so between both carriageways, they’re using that as a car park space, it’s deadly dangerous, someone is going to be killed. Could we arrange to have temporary bollards or cones put in to stop that parking?”

Mr Collins then replied that Wexford County Council (WCC) had been “looking at designs for modifications to reduce the impact of HGV parking in the area” and added that the topic was “being discussed with the National Transport Authority (NTA)”.

However, Cllr Carthy nonetheless expressed severe safety concerns about the status quo and called for more immediate action to be taken.

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