Photo credits @ Inspekcja Transportu Drogowego

Foreign hauliers face SENT fines in Poland – up to €2,800

The Polish Road Transport Inspectorate (ITD) has issued its first fines for the absence of the required RMPD100 form, which foreign carriers operating in Poland must generate in the SENT monitoring system. Authorities have now disclosed the number of violations and penalties imposed.

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An amendment to the Act on the Posting of Drivers in Road Transport and Certain Other Acts introduced new obligations for foreign transport companies operating in Poland. These changes align Polish regulations with EU directives on driver posting and accelerate SENT registration requirements for non-EU carriers.

  • As of November 2024, all carriers based outside the EU, the Swiss Confederation, and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member states must register in the SENT system before transporting goods through Poland.
  • As of January 2025, this obligation also applies to carriers from EU and EFTA countries.

Who must register in SENT?

According to Article 28b of the Polish Road Transport Act, all foreign carriers crossing the Polish border or performing cabotage transport (domestic transport within Poland by a foreign company) must submit a SENT notification, regardless of the type of goods they carry.

Additionally, under Article 10b of the Act on the Monitoring System for Road and Rail Transport of Goods, carriers from EU and EFTA countries must also register in SENT if they transport goods to or from third countries requiring a permit (such as an ECMT permit).

In short: Any foreign transport company moving goods through Poland must register in SENT before entering the country, even if they are not carrying restricted or sensitive goods.

Fines for SENT non-compliance

The General Inspectorate of Road Transport (GITD) has begun enforcing these rules, issuing fines to drivers and companies that fail to comply. Several hundred fines have already been imposed, categorized as follows:

  1. Failure to present SENT registration (Article 28b, Road Transport Act)

Legal Reference: Annex No. 1, Item 2a of the Road Transport Act

  • Offense: Performing road transport of goods without presenting a reference number, a document replacing the notification, or confirmation of receipt of the document.
  • Fine: PLN 1,500 (approx €360)
  • Issued: 44 fines in 2024, 33 fines in 2025

In simple terms: If a driver cannot present proof of SENT registration during an inspection, they face a fine.

2. Failure to comply with SENT monitoring obligations (Article 10b, Monitoring Act & Article 87 sec. 7, Road Transport Act)

Legal Reference: Annex No. 1, Item 2b of the Road Transport Act

  • Offense: Performing road transport in violation of SENT reporting obligations.
  • Fine: PLN 2,000 (approx €440)
  • Issued: 45 fines in 2024, 25 fines in 2025

In simple terms: If a company does not fulfill all SENT obligations when required, they face penalties.

3. Failure to register transport in SENT or providing incomplete/inaccurate data (Article 28b, Road Transport Act)

Legal Reference: Annex No. 3, Item 3.2a of the Road Transport Act

  • Offense: Performing road transport without registering in SENT or providing incomplete or incorrect information.
  • Fine: PLN 12,000 (approx €2,880)
  • Issued: 64 fines in 2024, 8 fines in 2025

In simple terms: Not registering in SENT or entering incorrect information leads to a heavy fine.

4. Failure to comply with SENT Reporting Obligations for Goods and Fuel Transport (Article 10a sec. 1, Monitoring Act)

Legal Reference: Annex No. 3, Item 3.2b of the Road Transport Act

  • Offense: Performing road transport in Poland without fulfilling SENT requirements related to road and rail transport of goods and heating fuels.
  • Fine: PLN 10,000 (approx €2,400)
  • Issued: 52 fines in 2024, 2 fines in 2025

In simple terms: Special regulations apply to fuel and goods transport—violating these rules results in significant penalties.
