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Slovakia raises fines for toll offences

From the beginning of August, Slovakia has increased fines for non-payment of tolls.

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Slovakia has increased fines for non-payment of tolls under Act No. 164/2024, effective from 1 August 2024, which amends Act No. 474/2013 on the collection of tolls for the use of certain sections of land roads. 

Minor infringements of the law in Slovakia may be classified as misdemeanours or administrative offences. Depending on the case in question and its classification into one or the other category, penalties of different amounts are imposed.

“The amount of the penalty for the offence of using certain road sections without paying the toll is set, inter alia, up to one hundred and fifty times the unpaid toll—up to EUR 1,050—and in block proceedings [the so-called simplified and accelerated proceedings in the case of an offence, when the authorised authority is satisfied that the act has been reliably established and the person accused of the offence has expressed willingness to pay the fine] a penalty of one hundred times the unpaid toll will be imposed, up to a maximum of EUR 700,” Katarína Holazová, manager for legislation, international relations, and internal communication at the Cesmad Slovakia transport organisation, informed the trans.iNFO editorial team.

Katarína Holazová adds that if the amount of the unpaid toll cannot be established, a fine of EUR 700 is charged. Until 31 July 2024, the penalty rates for the offence of driving on certain road sections without paying the toll are fifty times the unpaid toll—up to a maximum of EUR 800. 

In block proceedings, a penalty of up to thirty times the unpaid toll is charged—up to a maximum of EUR 500. If the amount of the unpaid toll cannot be established, a penalty of EUR 500 is imposed.

The case is different if the infringement is classified as an administrative offence, which will be punished more severely from 1 August.

 “In the case of an administrative offence—the use of certain road sections without paying a toll—it is a fine of between EUR 1,050 and EUR 10,000, while currently (until 31 July 2024—editor’s note) the range is between EUR 100 and EUR 600,2 Katarína Holazová explains.
