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Hauliers accept Slovakia’s decision to raise tolls by 40%

The Union of Motor Carriers of Slovakia (UNAS) has accepted the government's proposed motorway toll increase, expressing satisfaction with the outcome of negotiations on the matter.

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The Slovak government is planning a significant toll increase of up to 40 per cent. The Ministry of Transport explains that the tolls will be adjusted to levels comparable to those in neighbouring countries to prevent Slovakia from becoming a transit route for hauliers seeking to reduce costs. This information comes from, citing ministry spokesperson Petra Poláčiková.

“We believe that the coalition partners will reach an agreement on this issue,” Poláčiková stated. However, this may not be straightforward. The Slovak National Party (SNS), a member of the ruling coalition, has expressed opposition to the idea. “First, build motorways and then raise tolls,” the party asserted, as reported by They argue that they will not support any toll increases until the motorway network is expanded as previously promised by politicians.

Meanwhile, UNAS has agreed to the toll increase. Stanislav Skala, chairman of the hauliers’ union, noted that the original proposals even considered an 80 per cent increase. During negotiations with the government, hauliers managed to reduce the proposed hike. Additionally, Slovak hauliers were promised a reduction in motor vehicle tax to offset the increased costs.

“There is no need for concern that milk prices will rise in shops due to road hauliers,” commented Petra Poláčiková.

The toll increase is part of an effort to align the toll system with the EU Eurovignette Directive, which mandates that toll rates reflect the costs of air pollution. The system must be updated by 1 July 2025.
