
Photo credits @ Krummen

Spanish carriers celebrate the cancellation of Barcelona’s 1st Low Emissions Zone

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Transport associations in Catalonia, including FENADISMER AGTC, ASTAC CONDAL, and others, are celebrating the annulment of Barcelona’s first Low Emissions Zone (LEZ) ordinance by the Supreme Court.

The court declared the ordinance null in November due to disproportionate and inadequately weighed restrictive environmental measures. The associations had filed a Contentious Administrative Appeal against the original LEZ ordinance, emphasizing the lack of consensus with the affected sectors.

The Supreme Court’s ruling emphasizes the importance of determining the advantages and burdens of environmental policies, ensuring proportionality, appropriateness, and reasonableness in adopting measures.

According to a Fenadismer report, the associations demand reparations for damages caused by the LEZ ordinance. The cancellation sets a legal framework for future proportional environmental standards with effective consultation.
