Photo credits @ Santeri Viinamäki, CC BY-SA 4.0

Spanish transportation organisation calls for new review of fuel indexation rates

The Spanish transportation organisation Fenadsimer has called on the Ministry of Transport to approve a new review of the fuel indexation indices for calculating rates in contracts for the transport of goods by road.

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The organisation says that the current rates are not adequate to cover the rising cost of fuel, which has increased by almost 20% since July of last year.

This increase is having a significant impact on the operating cost structure of the road transport vehicle activity, and Fenadismer says that a new review is needed to allow transporters to adequately pass on these costs to their clients.

Fenadismer also points out that the price of diesel in Spain is currently well above what it was when the war in Ukraine broke out, and that it is estimated that its increase will continue in the coming months.

The organisation is calling on the Ministry of Transport to take action to help the road transport sector, which is facing a serious economic crisis. A new review of the fuel indexation rates would be a positive step in this direction.
