

Summer truck bans in Europe. Check out how and when they apply

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Most European countries suspended truck traffic bans during the coronavirus outbreak. Some have re-introduced bans since then, some not. Some have even added the usual summer traffic bans to their restrictions. Check out where and when you can drive on weekends now.

Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, summer traffic bans apply to trucks and combinations of vehicles with GVW over 7.5 t and are valid from 1 July to 31 August. They extend to motorways, expressways and first class roads on: 

– Fridays from 5 pm to 9 pm,

– Saturdays from 7 am to 1 pm.


France, like other European Union countries, has resumed the truck traffic restrictions lifted at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. 

Consequently, heavy goods traffic will be prohibited on the entire French road network on the following Saturdays:  

– 25 July, 

– 1 August, 

– 8 August, 

– 22 August,

– 29 August.

The restriction applies from 7 am to 7 pm.


The issue of truck bans in Germany is slightly more complicated. Although the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) has recommended the federal states to suspend summer traffic restrictions, not all of them have followed up on this recommendation. However, it is known that the following federal states decided to cancel the restrictions until August 31 in connection with the coronavirus pandemic (according to the current information of the Federal Office for Goods Transport – BAG):

– Baden-Württemberg,

– Lower Saxony,

– Mecklenburg-Vorpommern,

– Rhineland-Palatinate (here the bans are exceptionally suspended until 29 August),

– North Rhine-Westphalia,

– Saxony-Anhalt,

– Schleswig-Holstein,

– Thuringia.

Summer truck bans in Germany apply from 1 July to 31 August on Saturdays from 7 am to 8 pm. They extend to some federal motorways and roads (a list of sections can be found on the BMVI website, however, please note the exceptions introduced by the 8 indicated federal states).


In addition to the standard bans, some roads in Hungary are subject to bans during the summer season, i.e. from 1 July to 31 August – from 3 pm on Saturdays to 10 pm on Sundays. Vehicles travelling from the Hungarian border to their business premises or to the first place of unloading or loading are excluded from the restrictions. However, even they are subject, like all other vehicles, to traffic bans on the following routes:

– M7 motorway,

– main road No. 2 between Budapest and Parassapuszta,

– main road No. 2A,

– main road No. 6 between Dunaujvaros and Budapest,

– main road No. 7,

– main road No. 10 between Dorog and Budapest,

– main road No. 11 between Esztergom and Budapest,

– main road No. 12,

– road No. 1201,

– main road No. 51 from intersection with main road 510 to Dömsöd,

– main road No. 71,

– a section of main road No. 76 between intersection with main road No. 71 and main road No. 7,

– a section of main road No. 76 between Zalaapáti and main road No. 71,

– main road No. 55 between Alsónyék and Baja,

– main road No. 82 between main road No. 8 and Veszprémvarsány,

– main road No. 84 between Sümeg and main road No. 71,

– main road No. 33 between Dormánd and Debrecen,

– main road No. 86 between Janossomorja and Nemesböd and between Körmend and Zalabaksa,

– main road No. 37 between Miskolc and Satoraljaujhely,

– main road No. 38 from intersection with main road No. 37 to Rakamaz.

Bans for trucks


During the summer months in Italy, in addition to Sunday and holiday traffic bans, there are Saturday and Friday restrictions. Here are the dates on which the traffic of trucks with GVW >7.5 t is prohibited on Italian roads: 


Fridays 24 and 31 July from 4 pm to 10 pm, 

Every Saturday of the month from 8 am to 4 pm,

Every Sunday of the month from 7 am to 10 pm.


1 August (Saturday) from 8 am to 4 pm,

7 August (Friday) from 4 pm to 10 pm,

8 August (Saturday) from 8 am to 10 pm,

14 August (Friday) from 4 pm to 10 pm,

15 August (Saturday) from 7 am to 10 pm,

22 and 29 August (Saturdays) from 8 am to 4 pm,

Every Sunday of the month from 7 am to 10 pm.


Summer truck bans apply from the last Friday in June to the last Sunday before the start of the school year, i.e. from 26 June to 30 August this year. Trucks over 12 t are forbidden to:

– on Fridays from 18 to 22

– on Saturdays from 8 to 14,

– on Sundays from 8 to 22.

Photo: Trans.INFO
