
Sunday amusement in Berlin: police comment on 2 vehicles stacked on a truck

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With a total height of 4 metres and a weight of 10 tonnes, a truck transporting 2 vehicles in order to save time and fuel amazed the police and the public of Berlin last Sunday. However, it wasn’t the dimensions that struck the police most, but rather the poor way in which the stacked vehicles were secured.

Police were alerted to the outlandish transportation by a stunned driver. Officers then stopped the vehicle on road BAB111 in Berlin and took a closer look at it.

During the subsequent inspection, the police found that the weight and height of the cargo were okay. Nevertheless, the centre of gravity was a problem, as was the poorly secured load, which could have been very dangerous for other road users. Fortunately, police report that there was no accident.

The truck driver had to end his journey and unload.

Keen to bring a bit of humour to the table, Berlin Police captioned their photo of the unusual transport with modified film titles like “The Fast and Not Furious” and “Car Trek”.

Photo credit @ twitter/polizeiberlin
