Temperature-related restrictions in Romania
As the Romanian Association of International Road Transport informed, CNAIR (Administration of Roads) decided to introduce temporary traffic ban from 2 August 2017, due to heat.
Restrictions are binding between 12.00 AM and 8 PM and apply to vehicles above 7.5 t dmc on national roads and highways in the following regions: Dolj, Mehedinți, Caraș-Severin, Hunedoara, Timiș, Arad, Sibiu, Alba, Bihor, Cluj, Mureș, Sălaj, Satu Mare, Maramureș, and Bistrița Năsăud.
Transport of passengers, live animals and perishable articles, vehicles involved in interventions in cases of force majeure, transport of dead bodies, first aid, transport of fuels for distribution, and transportation in controlled temperature.
Photo: pixabay.com