Transport and logistics on the radar of German customs officers. Compliance with MiLoG under scrutiny

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The Main Customs Office in Koblenz announced a monitoring campaign for compliance with MiLoG. Customs officers will check whether drivers and transport companies use German minimum wage laws.

The institution under the Customs Office for financial control of illegal work (Finanzkontrolle Schwarzarbeit – FKS) is conducting a large-scale control of the minimum wage today. Even 6,000 controllers will check working conditions and remuneration, among others drivers and employer documents.

According to the Central Customs Office, FKS will put special emphasis on inspections in the transport and logistics industry due to a large number of MiLoG violations. We remind you that currently the minimum wage rate in Germany is 8.84 euros per hour (gross).

Last year’s control action

FKS carried out a similar operation in September last year. 2.6 thousand officials checked a total of 13 thousand employees from Germany and abroad, employed by German companies. The officers focused primarily on trucks drivers and suppliers. As reported by the German portal, during the two-day operation, over 2 thousand people were in violation of the MiLoG regulations.

The inspections were directed at detecting irregularities in the employment of employees by transport companies, such as:

– non-payment of the minimum remuneration in accordance with MiLoG,

– non-payment of social security contributions,

– showing wrong amounts,

– unregistering the employee.

