
Which of the twins is healthier – driver or ironman? The answer is not so simple

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The researchers examined a pair of identical twins, one of whom became an athlete, and the other worked behind the wheel of a truck for the last 30 years. They knew that the brothers have as much as 99 percent of identical genes. Therefore, they are a perfect example study case to examine how lifestyle affects health. The results were fairly easy to predict … except for one quite surprising exception.

52-year-old athlete became a trainer and triathlete, who competed in Ironman competitions – one of the most deadly in the world. His brother lived a sedentary lifestyle.

Researchers from the University of San Francisco noted, without much excitement, that the athlete had less fat tissue, lower resting heart rate, blood pressure, and cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Similarly, they were not surprised that he was stronger.

However, the results of the research had one surprise. The truck driver had bigger and stronger leg muscles.

The risk is high

The effect of a hard-working clutch pedal in the car? Not necessarily. Researchers were looking for clues elsewhere.

Probably because he carried quite a lot of heavy loads all his life,” said Dr. Jimmy Bagley.

And he quickly explained that „because the athletic twin was a runner, his muscles were slimmer and built in this way to facilitate quick movement.” So he does not need to be jealous of his brother, he just has to „decide for a lighter endurance training”.

The driver, on the contrary, must take care of himself more. His condition looked mediocre compared to the results of a brother who had a 30-year-old ability.

There is nothing strange in this. Over 60 percent of professional drivers are overweight or diagnosed with first grade obesity. Their metabolic age is higher than the record rate, as shown in the „Report on the health of professional drivers”, prepared for the Truckers Life Foundation by the Scientific Circle of Nutritionists from the University of Poznań. What’s worse 80 percent of drivers have elevated blood pressure and an increased risk of having a heart attack.

The twin-driver probably took all this information to heart. Scientists were happy to announce that he began to walk more often.

Photo: Pixabay/skeeze/public domain
