
Photo: Polisen Trafiksektionen region Nord / facebook

Sweden: nearly 1,000 fines for drivers hours’ rule breaches in 2021

Last year, road police officers in Sweden handed out almost 1,000 fines for violations of drivers' hours rules - a figure noticeably higher than in 2020.

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As reported by Swedish road transport website, in 2021 the police issued 981 fines for violations of driving and rest times in connection with more than 22,000 driver checks on the road. This means that about 4.5% of those inspections received fines for breaking drivers’ hours rules.

The proportion of fines in relation to the number of inspections increased by 15% compared to the previous year. In 2020, the police carried out more than 18,000 checks on the road and issued 705 fines. One reason why there were significantly more fines in 2021 than in 2020 is of course the coronavirus pandemic. Relaxations to the rules were in force, while less checks were able to be carried out.

Moreover, if you compare the figures with data from from 2018, it can be argued that the situation has improved. Four years ago, just over 14,500 inspections were carried out. These resulted in 812 fines, which gives a share of about 5.6%.

Photo: Polisen Trafiksektionen region Nord / facebook