
Uber Freight announces expansion into the LTL market

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Uber Freight has announced it is entering the LTL market to provide “shippers with a single platform to support their full truckload and LTL needs”, in turn furthering the company’s goal of becoming a “one-stop-shop solution” for shippers.

In explaining its decision, Uber Freight said in a statement that today’s LTL market offerings are “clunky” and “limited for small and medium-size businesses that often have to navigate multiple logins and touchpoints on antiquated LTL websites” in order to ship their freight. Uber Freight also argues that limited visibility, market constraints and increased demands mean businesses are often met with continued challenges in the LTL market.

“After a year of unprecedented volatility, choice and flexibility are more important than ever to shippers,” says Lior Ron, Head of Uber Freight. “Just as we did with the full truckload market, we’re using all our marketplace technology and data science expertise to bring much-needed transformation and new opportunities to LTL. It’s a segment of the industry that is not only in high demand but also furthers our journey to support shippers across first-to-final mile logistics.”

Uber Freight believes its LTL offering will help ease these challenges, as it allows shippers to manage all their freight needs through one single portal. By opening up the shipper platform to support LTL, the company says it has given shippers a direct connection to its growing and reliable marketplace of full-truckload carriers and a leading group of LTL carriers, offering real-time access to market prices and capacity. Uber Freight adds that shippers can also utilize LTL loads as an environmentally-friendly shipping option to “promote sustainable strategies across their businesses.”

According to Uber Freight, LTL has become one of the company’s most requested features since its inception in 2018.

Photo credit: Uber Freight