In a statement on the UK Government website, the TRA said the tyres to be investigated during this review are pneumatic rubber tyres, new or retreaded and used for buses or lorries, with a load index exceeding 121.
As part of the transition review, the TRA will determine whether dumping of imported tyres or importation of subsidised tyres would be likely to continue or recur if the measures were no longer applied and whether injury to the UK industry would be likely to continue or recur if the measures were no longer applied.
If the import of tyres is not deemed a sufficient threat, it could make it easier for hauliers to purchase Chinese tyres in the UK.
The investigation will cover the period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022. In order to assess injury, the TRA will examine the period from 1 July 2019 to 31 December 2021.
Businesses that may be affected by the review (such as importers or exporters of the products or UK producers of similar products) can contribute to the review by registering on the TRA’s online case platform. They can also stay up to date with developments in the case, which will be posted on the TRA’s public file.
For those unfamiliar with the TRA, it is the UK body that investigates whether trade remedy measures are needed to counter unfair import practices and unforeseen surges of imports.
As stated on the UK Government website, a number of EU trade remedy measures of interest to UK producers were carried across into UK law when the UK left the EU.
The TRA is currently reviewing each one to assess whether it is suitable for UK needs, and the Chinese lorry tyres case is just one example.
Photo: Pxfuel