
Photo: Debat634643642362/ Wikimedia Commons

A week of police controls throughout Europe. See who will go under the magnifying glass of the services.

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From Monday,  13 May, to Sunday, 19 May, drivers can expect increased roadside checks. These controls are happening thanks to the Truck & Bus operation, which is being arranged by the European Traffic Police Organisation – TISPOL.

First of all, police officers check the work and rest time of drivers. Controls also cover the technical condition of vehicles and proper securing of cargo. As TISPOL points out, the campaign will also have an educational character. The officers will remind drivers of the consequences of, for example, the lack of fastened seat belts and stress the growing problem of distraction while driving. Therefore, the police will also control and punish drivers who use a mobile phone while driving.

The campaign is conducted in countries belonging to TISPOL, in: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, France, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Great Britain, Estonia and Italy.

Photo: Debat634643642362/ Wikimedia Commons
