Traffic controls on Spanish roads start today. Watch out for motorcycle patrols

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Today 291 motorcycle patrols will monitor the Spanish roads. They will control the movement of vehicles throughout the entire Holy Week using “velolasers.” This is the first such control action in the country.

As reported by the General Directorate of Road Traffic (DGT), on Friday at 3pm officers will set out to control the roads equipped, among others, in 60 veloradars. These are small, extremely effective and modern radars, which simultaneously control two lanes and catch vehicles moving up to a speed of 250 km/h.

In addition, the services will have a thousand breathalyzers and 694 portable devices for performing rapid drug tests.

The first such traffic control action

As the Spanish Minister of the Interior underlines, the control action, which is the first one in Europe, aims to minimize three factors that are the main causes of accidents: alcohol, drugs and excessive speed.

200 euro ticket for “sheriffs of the left lane”

The Spanish directorate of DGT also announced the fight against the sheriffs of the left lane. The police will punish drivers who unreasonably occupy the overtaking road strip.

According to art. 31 of the General Road Traffic Regulation (Reglamento General de Circulación), drivers using the dual carriageway should drive the right lane, unless they perform an overtaking maneuver.

The fine that can be expected by a driver who persistently uses the left lane in Spain, is 200 euros.

