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Despite the recent discussions in media, today one of the crucial votes for the posting of workers in road transport takes place

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The TRAN Committee will vote on the market and social aspects of the Mobility Package (Rapporteurs: Van de Camp, Kyllönen and Ertug) during an extraordinary committee meeting.

We call that vote crucial, as both social and market aspects of the Mobility Package raise concerns from all over Europe. Together with 28 other organizations ZPP opposes to the application of the Posting of Workers Directive to international road transport as a signatory of the Declaration initiated by the Danish Road Transport of Goods (ITD).

We understand the complexity of the discussion and advocate for a fair solution for both drivers, companies and control authorities. Apart from partners of the declaration we cooperate with pan European logistic organizations, industry confederations and chambers of commerce that cover every single corner of Europe, sharing the same concerns over the future of the transport sector due to certain disproportionate proposals within the Mobility Package and its negotiations.

The aim of regulations in the EU is to facilitate the free movement of people, goods and services in a way that ensures equal level playing field for all the countries without any obstacles or conditions. With the proposal of the posting of workers in road transport we look at a good intention that unfortunately will have an opposite effect – unprecedented administrative challenge for drivers, companies and control authorities that despite
current assumptions likely won’t improve the conditions of people working in the sector after all.

What will it lead to?

Prices of transport will naturally rise with costs of providing the service, that also may mean that micro and small enterprises are more likely to close their businesses being unable to meet the requirements. This will inevitably lead to drivers losing their jobs or becoming self employed with no access to the traditional social employee protection. The consequences will also affect other sectors, as industries are dependent on the seamless transport of their goods. Globally, EU will become less competitive.

There are other ways to regulate the road transport sector than the blunt and disproportionate application of the posting of workers directive; the
mobility package contains many good proposals and fair solutions, but the posting rules to international road transport will cause more harm than good. We therefore hope for and urge the decision makers in the Parliament’s transport committee today to make the right assessment and vote for an exclusion of international road transport from the scope of the posting of workers directive.

Photo: Trans.INFO
