
Drivers know this problem all too well. See what the German automobile club advises

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In view of the shortage of parking lots for trucks, the German automobile club ADAC advises drivers to use special applications to search for parking spaces.

On German motorways, there has been a lack of parking lots for trucks for many years, and together with the volume of goods transported in Europe growing year by year, this deficit is deepening.

Trucks park on entrances and exits from parking lots near motorways and almost stand on the pavements” reads the portal of the German radio station MDR.

The problem of the lack of places for trucks is, according to the German radio, primarily affecting the central federal states of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. According to a study conducted by the local transport departments together with the ADAC automobile club, at least several hundred parking spaces for trucks are missing in each of these regions. Although there are plans to create new ones, their number will still not be enough.

Meanwhile, insufficient parking capacity prevents truck drivers from complying with the rules governing working and rest time. He also forces them to park in unauthorized places. Then trucks pose a threat to other road users.

Helpful applications

In connection with the shortage of parking spaces and for the safety of truckers and other drivers, the spokesperson of the ADAC automobile club in Thuringia recommends the use of special mobiles apps.

Transparking is one such solution. The application displays free parking spaces for trucks and allows users to report their status when parked at the lot. Transparking will immediately prompt the next available parking lot as soon as the tachograph „calls” for a break.

The application also provides information on amenities (such as shower, toilet, wi-fi) and security (protection, cameras) offered by the car park.

Photo: Trans.INFO
