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Drivers’ federation calls for strict enforcement of Mobility Package measures

The European Transport Workers Federation (ETF) has called on EU Member States and the European Commission for strict enforcement of the Mobility Package measures to ensure that the new rules on posting are implemented effectively and without delay.

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ETF sees the Mobility Package rules as a major win for professional drivers across and beyond the EU and thinks that these measures help improve working conditions and fair competition in the sector.

“But without proper enforcement, our hard-won rights will not go beyond guidance and recommendations,” the federation states in a press release.

With the posting rules entering into force on 2 February, the ETF Road Transport Section is calls on EU Member States, haulage operators and the European Commission to ensure that the new rules are implemented effectively and without delay.

Marking the start of the Campaign for Enforcement, Roberto Parrillo, chair of the ETF Road Section issued this video statement:

In 2020, the European Parliament adopted the Mobility Package after years of intense negotiations. ETF welcomed the much-awaited set of regulations which mark a massive reform on the road transport sector in Europe.

However, ETF is disappointed with the lack of implementation; enforcement activities in 2021 shows that almost 1 in 3 trucks violated regulations in road transport. Furthermore, the number of road fatalities in 2019 reveal that heavy goods vehicles are the biggest cause of death for car occupants which makes this issue a major threat to road safety.

“Combatting driver fatigue by way of improving working conditions is the only appropriate response to these findings,” the federation emphasises.

The 2nd of February marks the date at which the next component of the Mobility Package comes into force.

The federation is convinced that posting is one of the key areas through which robust control and regulation can directly address key issues in road transport. This includes things like wage dumping and unfair competition.

“It is thus pointless to have new rules, if they fail to serve the sector, its workers, the road users and the passengers,” the ETF adds.
