Volvo Group

Exemption from German toll for gas trucks. A new requirement applies from October.

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LNG and CNG trucks have been exempted from German tolls since the beginning of the year. The toll exemption also applies to dual-fuel vehicles. From yesterday, gas tanks in such vehicles must meet one criterion.

Dual-fuel natural gas vehicles will benefit from the exemption from German tolls only if the minimum capacity of the natural gas tank is 300 litres. For LNG, this capacity should be at least 115 kg, according to information provided by Toll Collect. 

Trucks for organic gas fuels – CNG (compressed natural gas) and LNG (liquid natural gas) are not subject to road tolls in Germany until the end of next year. The exemption also covers dual-fuel vehicles for natural gas and diesel, but only those in which the share of natural gas in normal operation outweighs other used fuel. Otherwise, it is assumed that this is not a natural gas drive within the meaning of the Act – explained the Federal Office of Freight Transport (BAG).

After these two years, gas trucks will be exempt from part of the toll, i.e. from the environmental fee (for air pollution).

Important box P.3

As BAG explains, single-fuel vehicles are exempted which have „NG natural gas” or „LNG liquefied gas” entered in section P.3 of the registration certificate, and dual-fuel vehicles that have „LNG / Diesel” entered in the same document heading. If „Diesel” (D) appears on the registration certificate under item P.3, the ramp is not exempted from road tolls in Germany. If the truck is a dual-fuel vehicle and the dual-fuel propulsion information is in the „official endorsements”, the owner may provide the appropriate document confirming that the vehicle is mostly supplied with gas. 

Photo: Volvo Group
