FTAI: skills, road safety and decarbonisation are future priorities

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The Irish Freight Transport Association (FTAI) has responded to the Irish Government’s consultation document regarding a 10 year plan to decarbonise the country’s road transport sector. In a statement, the FTAI said that besides decarbonisation, road safety and skills were also priorities.

The Irish Government says the aim of the consultation document is “to develop a strategy that will focus on generating efficiencies and improving standards, and helping the sector move to a low-carbon future.”

Responding to the Irish government’s consultation, Ten-year Strategy for the Haulage Sector First Consultation Document, Aidan Flynn, General Manager of FTAI, had the following to say:

“Haulage is an integral part of the freight distribution and logistics sector and is vital for efficient and effective supply chains; FTAI welcomes this consultation and the chance to shape the industry. In its response, FTAI is calling for government to prioritise road safety, the skills shortage, and decarbonising the industry, and for the role of minister for transport and logistics to be elevated to a full cabinet position to give them the authority required to enact change.

“FTAI recommends that a Traffic Commissioner regime be introduced, similar to that which is operated in the UK. This body would serve the purpose of ensuring that only competent and reputable individuals operate within the haulage sector; just and effective enforcement is critical for fair competition in the marketplace. And with prosecutions for tachograph and roadworthiness offences rare, more effective enforcement by the use of graduated fixed penalties should be introduced and utilised to improve road safety across Ireland.”

“While a 10-year strategy is very welcome – business cycles play out over a 7-11years generally – the pace of change within the freight distribution and logistics sector has accelerated owing to Brexit, the COVID-19 pandemic and the EU Green Deal; the approach to this strategy must be dynamic and facilitate periodic reviews and updates.”

Photo credit: Peter Mooney / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0
