As we have recently reported, the alleged illegal cabotage transports occurred in 2019 and 2020 and mainly concerned the way that Girteka Logistics was switching trucks. You can read more details here.
“We are very positive about the upcoming dispute in court, because we believe that the fines were written incorrectly for international and not the cabotage operations. (…) The fines imposed are relatively small, but we are challenging them in order to bring more transparency and clarity to the Norwegian market, which is important to us, ” said Simonas Bartkus, Head of Marketing and Communications at Girteka Logistics, in an interview with the BNS press agency.
As Bartkus told the Lithuanian media, Girteka Logistics’ main activity is international transportation in Europe, but in “some cases” the company also does cabotage.
Norway is one of these cases, as Bartkus explains:
“Due to the special geography of the country of Norway, the unloading sites are very often in the south of the country and the loading sites in the north of the country. For this reason, in order not to drive on empty roads, our trucks often also carry out cabotage transports within Norway, thereby ensuring the supply of important products and goods, ” explained S. Bartkus.
Photo: Stefan Kühn, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons