Photo credits @ Arvato

Logistics service provider Arvato extends its network in the UK

The logistics and e-commerce service provider Arvato is on course for growth and is further expanding its presence in the UK.

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On 1 May 2024, Arvato acquired the site of the cosmetics company Avon in Corby, East Midlands region, and is now taking over its UK business as a service provider.

With the acquisition of the site, the Bertelsmann subsidiary is not only strengthening its presence in the UK, but also its partnership with the cosmetics company, as Arvato has already been responsible for the logistics handling of Avon’s business in Italy since October 2022.

The site in Corby is located around 50 kilometres east of Birmingham and is considered a first-class logistics location in the so-called “Golden Logistics Triangle” – a region with excellent transport links to the national motorway and motorway network. According to its own information, Arvato is taking over a warehouse with 31,000 square metres of space as well as 6,000 square metres of office space and 81 employees who worked there for Avon.

“The acquisition is part of our global growth strategy. We not only want to expand our global presence but also take our very successful collaboration with Avon to the next level. This also includes investing in technology and digitalisation to make the site fit for the future,” explains Tobias Uthmann, Managing Director UK at Arvato.

With the logistics centres in Hams Hall, Kings Norton and the East Midlands Gateway, Arvato now has four locations in the UK.
