Yesterday afternoon, Portugal declared a national emergency due to the spread of the coronavirus. The country has introduced strict measures that will apply until January 30th.
Lorry drivers are exempt from the measures, which require citizens to stay at home apart from a few exceptions. However, they must download, complete and then carry an exemption form.
The document can be downloaded from the Portuguese Road Transport Association’s website here.
For those unfamiliar with Portuguese, the points to be filled in on the form in brackets are as follows:
- NOME DA EMPRESA = company name
- TIN = personal ID number (e.g passport number)
- NOME = name
- pesados = heavy / ligeiros = light (delete as appropriate to your vehicle)
- local em que é preenchido uma declaração = place where the declaration form was completed
- dados = date
For more information on coronavirus restrictions in Portugal, please visit the Re-open EU website.
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