
Posts tagged:


China supply chain woes hit Europe as vessels await loading in Hamburg

China supply chain woes hit Europe as vessels await loading in Hamburg

Pölös Zsófia

Pölös Zsófia Journalist


Dining options for lorry drivers during new Netherlands lockdown

Dining options for lorry drivers during new Netherlands lockdown

Pölös Zsófia

Pölös Zsófia Journalist


MIT Professor Yossi Sheffi on why governments must invest in tech to solve global problems

MIT Professor Yossi Sheffi on why governments must invest in tech to solve global problems

Gregor Gowans

Gregor Gowans Journalist Trans.INFO


COVID-19 didn’t disrupt progress to make supply chains more sustainable

COVID-19 didn’t disrupt progress to make supply chains more sustainable

World Economic Forum

World Economic Forum Article republished under the terms of the creative commons licence. See article for author information


Emergency surcharge to be paid per container at Rotterdam Short Sea Terminals

Emergency surcharge to be paid per container at Rotterdam Short Sea Terminals

Pölös Zsófia

Pölös Zsófia Journalist


Fleet reduction pays off – Waberer’s shows a profit

Fleet reduction pays off – Waberer’s shows a profit

Michał Pakulniewicz

Michał Pakulniewicz


Leaders in Supply Chain & Logistics Podcast #113 with Emer Cunningham

Leaders in Supply Chain & Logistics Podcast #113 with Emer Cunningham

Radu Palamariu

Radu Palamariu Managing Director Asia Pacific and Chief Energy Officer, Alcott Global


DACHSER’s Food Logistics and Air&Sea businesses push 2020 results into the positive

DACHSER’s Food Logistics and Air&Sea businesses push 2020 results into the positive

Pölös Zsófia

Pölös Zsófia Journalist


Some crucial game-changers to hold up our Supply Chains

Some crucial game-changers to hold up our Supply Chains

David Food

David Food Strategy Director Prophetic Technology


Report: 2-week grace period on mandatory covid-tests for UK-bound truckers

Report: 2-week grace period on mandatory covid-tests for UK-bound truckers

Gregor Gowans

Gregor Gowans Journalist Trans.INFO
