
Next terms of block checks in Tyrol

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The last Brenner summit did not bring specific solutions. The Austrians carry on with block checks and the Germans demand the European Commission to intervene in this case.

We know the terms of the upcoming block checks in Tyrol. At the crossing in Kufstein there will be at least 20-30 controls – informed the governor of the land, Günther Platter. This year first block checks took place on 8 January and the next will be on 31 March (Good Friday), 3 April, 26 April (public holiday in Italy) and 2 May. In the second half of the year the number of checks is going to increase.

How do block checks look?

At the border the police or customs officers control the number of trucks crossing the border. When it comes to the upper limit (e.g. 250 or 300), other trucks in the queue must wait an hour. After this time the procedure is repeated.

Summit in Brenner

During the Brenner summit at the beginning of February the Austrians, Italians and German failed to make a compromise. Austria wanted the implementation of annual limit of trucks which would drive through Tyrol as well as further block checks. The Germans however did not agree to sign this plan as the checks every time cause high traffic in Bavaria. In May this year. Austria, Italy and Germany will continue the discussions over the solution in Brenner.

The Bavarians demand the EC intervention

As Tyrol is carrying on with block checks, the Bavarian transport associations demand actions to be taken against the Austrian region. According to the German carriers, the blocks on A12 violate free movement of services and goods, which is one of the foundations of the common European market.

Photo: Wikimedia/Kleszczu CC BY-SA 2.5
