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Sweden next to urge EU to recognise Ukrainian lorry driver qualifications

In the midst of driver shortage, Ukrainian professional drivers who found asylum in Sweden are not allowed to work in their profession as their qualifications can be recognised neither in the country nor in the EU. Now, Sweden is now one of the countries pushing the EU to change the restrictive regulation.

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Although having all the qualifications and several years of work experience, Ukrainian HGV drivers in Sweden cannot work in their profession because EU law doesn’t recognise third country qualifications.

Swedish national television (SVT) has reported about the Ukrainian truck driver Ilya, who would be happy to start working again but cannot because of the aforementioned restriction. In order to be able to drive in Sweden, the man would need to pass all his exams again – starting from a car driver’s licence, upgrading it to an HGV driver’s licence, all the way through to the CPC training and exam.

According to the Swedish Transport Agency, if Ilya can prove that he is a permanent resident of Sweden, he can start the process anytime, but otherwise, he needs to spend 185 days in Sweden first to be eligible to enrol for his first exam.

Germany has also faced the very same problem, and while also pushing the EU to recognise Ukrainian licenses, the country has already signed a transport agreement that provides for the recognition of Ukrainian driving licenses and certificates of competency.
