The biggest sustainable trends shaping 2021 and years to come

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“The big trend will be imagination and the ability to ask ambitious ‘What If’ questions.”

Climate change requires a renewed focus from global efforts. We need efficient transformation, daring ideas and profound rethinking of how industries and consumption currently work, a paradigmatic shift in how we figure out things today. Those organisations putting into operation greener practices will cope with risk well, positively adding to the environment and the social well-being; policies like:

–        Consumers’ sustainable preferences, now a commonplace

Governments regulations will force businesses to communicate their climate risks to society to make significant changes in their financing decisions, share prices, stakeholder’s motivation to invest, partakers investment, and foster more inspection.

Purchasing behaviour in general and especially in younger generations will look closer to these trends influencing their purchasing behaviour.

A growing ‘greener trend’ embraces a sustainable lifestyle, questioning what we eat, where we shop, travel, where to invest, where the raw material comes from, labour policies, and much more, hugely impacting society at all levels and driving them to cope with crisis cooperatively.

–        Cities are showing the way with intrepid ideas

There will be daring initiatives such as cities turning their streets into the forest and recreational places; or converting shopping centres into a blend of woodlands full of wildflowers and lakes.  Moreover, we will see creating a new way of working and novel jobs through an engagement to reskill people in the new norm. Some greener trends:

·       Governments and organisations will work hand in hand for reducing climate change emissions.  Hopefully, those countries that belong to the Paris Climate Commitment will be advocating harder the growing citizens’ awareness globally while bringing along those countries which resigned recently to this effort.

·       Conscious consumers are doing their part, but corporations have to do more to follow sustainability legislations.

·       Cleaner air, unpolluted waters and pesticide-free soil will bring better immune systems and mental health, avoiding deaths of all sorts caused by industrial and car pollution in the metropolis.

·       The electric car will become a significant trend when prices go down, dodging gasoline consumption and preventing traffic pollution.

·       On-demand apps can help the fight against waste.  We will see much technology supporting sustainability, like apps that fight food waste by connecting consumers with surplus food from grocery stores, bakeries or local restaurants and sells the product at low prices.

·       Reusable or return groceries packaging will be available upon request.

·       The development of a subscription model where delivery or pick-ups of empty packages and fill up containers coincides.

·       Plastic consumption grew uncontrollable in 2020 because of the pandemic, something governments and industries must work on.

The pandemic outcomes have shockingly exposed the lack of response to potential risks in the long run.  The urgent need to diminish the global threat climate change represents must force governments, industries, and the general public to be accountable for sustainable actions like establishing better sustainable technologies and renewable energy towards a low carbon world.

Another ‘greener trend’ is diminishing this year’s escalating litter due to the COVID masks or PPE irresponsibly tossed away every day on the streets.  Moreover, plastic consumption grew uncontrollable in 2020 because of the pandemic, something governments and industries must work on.

–        Food revolution trends

Among the different alternatives, insects are incredibly sustainable and super high in protein.  Consumers are more aware of these alternatives’ health advantages and positive environmental impact, so the demand is rising.  It will be time to redesign the way people feed themselves.

What did we learn from the pandemic?  

The appreciation of Nature become an emerging trend in 2020, growing exponentially in 2021 as we look for relief, peacefulness responds to a sounder future.

·       We are now aware of how events are now different.

·       It makes clear what Nature implies to our live, health, and our social interconnections.

·       It enhanced solidarity and gives value to our long-term existence.

·       We are now serener to look towards a new life where we find again who we are, how we relate to each other through our experiences with Nature.

·       We gain more excellent focus on biodiversity, understanding its vital role in preserving our planet health.

·       We are now more focused on transitioning to a bio-economy, shifting to renewable alternatives, replacing fossil fuel-based responses.

CONCLUSIONS: 2020 pandemic show us what we can accomplish in a short time when the political determination is there. People nowadays are more fortified and will not tolerate weak climate policies.  It is time for a change; citizens are ready to raise their voices and make it happen.

What have you learned from the pandemic?  Is your company ready to become a more sustainable one?

Dave Food

Prophetic Technology

M: +44 7775 861863

Photo by Iva Rajović on Unsplash