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The importance of refreshing your business culture

Today, the environment in which businesses move and develop their activity is characterised by an escalating culture and application of technological development in all global industrial sectors.  It demands that companies constantly update their processes to obtain economic benefits and boost value creation through sustainable growth.

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Innovation for sustainability is an integral concept that goes beyond the environmental approach, as it considers companies at their economic, social, political, and institutional levels.

Promoting the adoption of an Innovation Culture

Until it becomes a strategic tool that achieves sustained growth and improves competitiveness among small and medium-sized enterprises, it should undoubtedly be one of the aspects of integrating innovation in business management.

It is essential to recognise and accept sustainability as an opportunity for companies competitive improvement since it fosters relationships with stakeholders (staff working in a company, customers, suppliers, shareholders, and community in general) to positively impact their environment in the economic fields social and environmental.

Companies that have implemented plans, programs and strategies have shown growth and more significant market share. Companies are at the forefront of new guidelines and creating tools that modify their processes and acquire innovation models, which improve quality of life.

As a result of a culture of continuous evolution, a new business management paradigm is proposed, which leads to the development of innovation and sustainability strategies, which are the differentiating factors of the organisation that is in the search for business excellence.

In its broadest sense, technological innovation includes social changes and innovations. Even in many cases, competitiveness is not achieved by acquiring new machines or technology but by the social and cultural differences in the business labour organisation.

It is possible to build and train an internal innovation team, train company executives, develop a specific action book and innovation toolkit, and create a long-term innovation transformation program that delivers business results through customisable programs.

Companies must review their weaknesses and strengths to take advantage of their innovative potentials, such as its employees’ training, quality control systems, the implementation of new technologies, Statistics tools, networks or improved approaches. They must be aware of the needs of those around them affected or benefit by their activity, whether it is their consumers or the community in general.

The culture of business technological innovation, in its broadest sense, includes social changes and innovations; even in many cases, competitiveness is not achieved by just the acquisition of new machines or technology but by the social and cultural changes that occur in the organisation. Social changes give rise to communication networks that combine efforts and synergies to increase performance due to a high level of productivity.

Companies that seek sustainability in their activities must know well stakeholders by enhancing dialogue, meeting demands and expectations, and being transparent in their actions’ accountability.

Further comments: we must understand that a company is a living, complex system interconnected at all levels and that this complexity multiplies in its interactions with its environment. If the culture of entrepreneurial technological innovation is not understood, no initiative towards sustainability can succeed.

Are you as a company accountable for the sustainability of your processes?

Dave Food

Prophetic Technology

M: +44 7775 861863

Photo by LYCS Architecture on Unsplash
