They thought they were clever and would skip the rest regulations. They got horrendous fines and could lose their driving licences.

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The Danish police recently stopped two trucks and drivers from Estonia and Latvia for inspection. Officers from North Jutland detected a rather unusual practice among truckers and found it to be a violation of the working and rest time regulations. The drivers were severely punished.

On 31 January, during a routine check on the E45 between Randers and Århus, police officers stopped two trucks – one from Latvia and the other from Estonia. 

It turned out that the truckers decided to evade the regulations on working and rest time in a somehow original manner, for which they were severely punished.

Fines were imposed because drivers followed trucks with passenger cars when they did not drive the truck themselves. This is not a rest period,” declared Claus Kjær-Pedersen, police commissioner from Tungvagncenter Nord in North Jutland, in a press statement.

Both truckers received fines of 105,000 (approx 14 thousand euros) and 106,000 (approx 14,200 euros) Danish Crowns. In addition, at the request of the police, the court will decide whether they should be denied the right to drive a truck, the Danish police report.

