Traffic jam on the Bavarian highway due to block checks in Tyrol

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Today’s block checks in Brenner, unlike the previous ones, caused a long traffic jam. Drivers must show patience.

According to the official block check calendar, on May 7, 8 and 11 the Austrians will allow a maximum of 300 trucks per hour to pass through Austrian-Italian border in Kufstein.

Last Monday, controls that started at 5 o’clock were suspended at 7 o’clock. The reason for this decision was too little truck traffic. The authorities of the region decided that there was no point in continuing them.

Today, however, as reported by the Austrian media, already in the first two hours block checks caused a 9-kilometer traffic jam of lorries on the right lane of A93 between the Inntall junction and Kiefersfelden.

On the last Thursday of April, the controls caused an 80-kilometer traffic jam of trucks, which the Austrian government called “success.”

As the local police warn, today, on Tuesday and Friday, the drivers must face considerable difficulties on the A93 towards the south. The services remind truckers standing in a traffic jam not to block exits and parking lots.

European Commission against block checks

Last week, Brussels sent a letter to the Austrian government calling to limit the number of block checks (25 in total from March to November). As EU Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc emphasized, their systematic use violates the free movement of goods and services, and thus one of the fundamental principles of the functioning of the Union.

