The trans.iNFO website, which already provides news in 7 other European languages, shall strive to keep everyone in Ukraine’s logistics and supply chain sector up to date with pressing industry developments in Europe and beyond.
trans.iNFO believes the information service will be popular with its existing Ukrainian readership and help Ukraine’s logistics industry do more business with fellow European nations.
Last year, the number of Ukrainian-speaking readers of trans.iNFO amounted to over 1 million people. Many of these users accessed the site via translation tools or their second languages, whether it be Russian, English or Polish.
Moreover, trans.iNFO’s Russian language service, which is predominantly read by Russian speakers living in European nations such as Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus and Kazakhstan, has been particularly frequented by Ukrainians who speak Russian. Analytics data has shown that Ukrainian-speaking readers of trans.iNFO outweigh their Russian-speaking counterparts by 2 to 1.
In light of this, as well as the shocking and disturbing events of the last 12 months, the team at trans.iNFO has been determined to give Ukrainians the opportunity to gain access to the news they need in their native language.
trans.iNFO’s dedicated Ukrainian-language service will provide news and analysis of the road transport industry, plus key information for drivers. In addition, the website will feature interviews, economic forecasts, legal advice and much more.
trans.iNFO’s Ukrainian-language service was launched this morning
The launch of the new service follows numerous agreements made last year to facilitate trade between Ukraine and the EU 27, as well as other European nations such as the UK. These agreements have fostered the export of goods produced in Ukraine, providing a vital source of income to the country’s economy during wartime.
A great deal of these exports are transported by land, making understanding of the current customs and cross-border transport rules vital for Ukrainian road transport businesses. trans.iNFO thus hopes its new service will facilitate more trade by providing informational support to Ukrainian traders and logistics operators.
Finally, the service will endeavour to provide the latest news for the significant community of Ukrainian truck drivers working on Europe’s roads. By including up-to-date information on posted worker entitlements and the regulations of the EU Mobility Package among other things, trans.iNFO hopes to keep these valued workers informed of the rules, thereby making them less vulnerable to exploitation or falling foul of the law.
Commenting on the launch, Natalia Janiszewska, CEO of trans.iNFO, said:
“I’m very proud of the work the trans.iNFO team has been doing behind the scenes to bring our news service to Ukrainian readers. There is a significant volume of goods being transported between Ukraine and the rest of Europe – despite the horrors and difficulties brought by Russia’s invasion. We believe our new information service will be of great help to both traders and logistics companies in Ukraine. In addition, we are certain the website will both assist and interest the many Ukrainian lorry drivers working across Europe.”
Hanna Skrypal, who heralds from Kyiv, is one of the Ukrainian journalists working on the new project. She too believes the new service will allow Ukrainian logistics operators and lorry drivers to keep abreast of the latest rules, regulations, and developments in Europe.
“Every European country has its own set of rules and legal peculiarities, its own system of fines. Yesterday a road was blocked somewhere, while today there might be a queue at the border. What is delaying the export of goods from China? What are the latest trends in logistics? We will be providing timely answers to these and other pressing questions to our Ukrainian audience, who most certainly deserved to be informed,” says Skrypal.
Figures from the Ukraine’s logistics industry have also welcomed the launch of trans.iNFO in Ukrainian. Among them is Evgeny Lebed, who runs Ukrainian road transport consultancy firm Swan Consulting.
“At the moment, in the Ukrainian internet space there aren’t many useful professional sources of information dealing with transportation and logistics. It is a huge problem and we have to develop this field and make it as available in Ukrainian as possible. I’m sure trans.iNFO’s service will be informative and provide value for all the stakeholders in the Ukrainian road freight sector,” says the Swan Consulting CEO.
Maksym Golovenko, Executive Director of the Ukrainian branch of the Trans.EU logistics platform, added:
“I’m delighted that trans.iNFO has launched its service in Ukrainian. It is one of the largest transportation portals in Europe, and has a track record of keeping transport and logistics companies up-to-date with the latest industry trends and regulations. I’m confident that having this resource available in Ukrainian will be a boost to Ukraine’s road freight sector.”
The new service can be accessed by visiting, or alternatively, by going to and selecting Ukrainian in the language menu in the top-right hand corner of your browser.