
Truckers need yet another document to enter France

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The French authorities require one more document to enter the country. This is an extra document truckers need to have before travelling to or through France.

From 25 May, when entering France, a new document confirming that the driver (and passengers) is coronavirus negative required, according to the French Interior Ministry. This is the second document since the statement on travel to Territorial France dated on 8 April (Attestation de déplacement dérogatoire vers la France métropolitaine) that truck drivers must have when travelling to or through this country.

The new form „Attestation de déplacement dérogatoire vers la France métropolitaine depuis les pays tiers et déclaration sur l’honneur”, together with the previously introduced declaration, should be presented in the event of an inspection. 

Both document templates provided by the French Ministry of the Interior in English can be found here

