
What happens to truckers who test positive for covid at the Sadobre checkpoint?

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What actually happens to those who test positive for coronavirus at the Brenner Pass checkpoint in Sadobre? Italian website provided a comprehensive answer on this very question a few days ago.

At the test station in Sadobre, between 1,100 and 1,700 truck drivers undergo rapid coronavirus tests every day. Those who cannot present a negative test result are refused travel into Germany.

Christian Seiwald, section head of the White Cross in Sterzing, told last week week that drivers who test positive are taken to a quarantine station in Gossensaß:

If a truck driver tests positive, then we pick him up and have to teach him what to expect in all possible languages. We take him to the truck, he has to take his things with us and we then take him to the quarantine station in Gossensaß, where he has to be in quarantine for at least 10 days.

Who takes care of the truck and its cargo?

The responsibility for the vehicle and its cargo lies with the haulage company. In the article by, a case regarding the road transport company Fercam is referred to. Thomas Baumgartner, senior director of Fercam, said his company had to transport the truck back to its base using drivers in protective suits.

How many lorry drivers typically test positive?

According to, Only 0.18 percent of the truck drivers tested have so far have been positive for coronavirus. This works out at three cases per day on average.

It should nonetheless be mentioned that the strict coronavirus measures only apply to Tyrol:

„If a truck driving from Italy to Germany turns east in Verona instead of the Brenner motorway and drives via Tarvisio to Salzburg and from there to Germany, a test is not needed,” emphasizes the portal.

Photo credit: MartinPutz / Wikimedia Commons
