The Italians increased the toll at the beginning of this year. On some highways you can see even a double-digit growth.
On 1 January this year many Italian road operators raised the tolls. Although the toll has increased, on average, by less than 3% (2.74% precisely), the increases on some highways will be extremely severe. On the sections of A5, A24 and A25 we can see a double-digit growth of prices.
Over 50% more expensive
The 31.4 km section of the Italian A5 between Aosta and Mont Blanc costs almost 53% more than in 2017. For driving a a car between Aosta Ovest and Courmayeur now you have to pay not 5.6 EUR but 8.4 EUR and for driving a biaxial truck (B tariff) – 11.10 EUR. Such a significant increased is justified in the court’s decision and takes into consideration the corrected payments, which are supposed to pay by the route manager the costs of the last years.
We can also observe significant increases on the roads managed by Milano Serravalle-Milano Tangenziali S.p.A. (13,91%). The company is the manager of the A7 highway on the section Milan – Serravalle Scrivia, for which the price for B tariff is 6.5 EUR.
On the other hand, on A24 and A25 managed by Strada dei Parchi S.p.A., the prices have increased by nearly 13% (the price for biaxial trucks on the Rome-Lunghezza section is 2 EUR, Rome-Settecamini – 1.2 EUR and Rome-Ponte di Nona-1.5 EUR). The company argues that the increased prices result from costs of work associated with the construction and infrastructure maintenance.
The prices on A3 between Naples and Salerno (Autostrade Meridionali) have increased by less than 6% (up to 2.2 EUR for biaxial truck), and on A4 between Turin and Milan by more than 8%.
However, on A32 managed by SITAF S. p. it has increased by almost 6%. – 5.9 EUR per trip by biaxial truck to pay in Avigliana and 8 EUR in Salbertrand.
On many roads the toll has increased slightly
According to the transport website, the toll has not increased on A33 managed by Asti-Cuneo S.p.A., A18 and A20, managed by Consorzio Autostrade Siciliane and on A21 between Brescia and Piacenza. The toll at the Quinicetto-Aosta section on A5 also has not changed as well as A15.
The tolls have increased slightly on A4 between Padua and Venice and on the first 16 km of A57 (by 0.32%) and on A10 (Autostrada dei Fiori) between Genoa and Ventimiglia (by 0.98%).
The increases on other roads vary from 1.51% and 2.7%. On average, the toll in Italy has risen by 2.74% in comparison to 2017.
Image source: Wikimedia/Sergio D’Afflitto CC BY-SA 4.0