Parcel delivery using a hand-held scanner to register confirmation of receipt ## Paketzustellung mit Handscanner zur Registrierung der Empfangsbestaetigung

Courier companies are increasing their prices in Germany

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The German logistics giant Hermes recently announced increases in certain services. Prices have also increased this year in GO! and the subsidiary of the German Post Office.

Logistics operator Hermes announced an increase in prices for ProfiPaketService. The service is addressed to customers sending over 300 shipments, who can count on a special support. These include short delivery times and convenient shipping service via the Hermes website or partner company interfaces, including eBay, AfterBuy, DreamRobot or Magento.

The increase is expected to come into effect on 1 April this year, with prices negotiated individually. According to two retailers using Hermes services quoted by, the increases will be as high as 10%. 

Increases among competitors

DHL also increased its prices this year by an average of 3%. On January 1, 2020 the price of a domestic parcel up to 2 kg was raised from €4.5 to €4.79. The price of a shipment weighing up to 10 kg increased by €1 to €10.49. Only private customers are affected in this case, as the company raised its rates for business customers already in September 2018.

Also the courier service provider GO! has decided to increase its prices. Since February 1st this year, prices for shipments handled by the company are higher by 5.8%. This price adjustment is in response to the general increase in costs (increased energy expenditure, insurance) and is due to the need to invest in the development and security of IT infrastructure in the new financial year.

Photo: DPD
