
Photo credits @ Polícia SR - Bratislavský kraj

Insufficient cargo securing turns lorry into “Transformer”

Some photos of a lorry “sitting” on its rear end went viral on the internet in Slovakia on Tuesday after the police shared details of a road closure with the title “Transformer appeared in Most near Bratislava."

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The reasons why or how the accident happened are not clear. Still, one thing is sure: on Tuesday morning, customers at the self-service fuel station in Most pri Bratislave near Slovakia’s capital could see a lorry in an unusual position; sitting on its rear end, wheels facing forward and with the cab in the air.

In a Facebook post by the Slovak police, it was jokingly referred to as a Transformers truck.

According to the local news portal, the most likely reason for the lorry transporting a container of gravel taking such an unusual resting position is improper cargo securing. Probably the load was heavier than allowed or the driver didn’t deploy the stabilizing legs properly.

Meanwhile, due to the accident, the busy road to Bratislava had to be closed down until noon.
