
New truck traffic bans in Spain: 250 km long route to France affected

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The Spanish DGT will not withdraw from the 250 km-long ban on truck traffic on one of the motorways and national roads leading to the border with France, which was planned for last year. The restrictions can be problematic for international traffic.

Despite the protests of the domestic transport industry, the Spanish General Directorate of Road Traffic (DGT) has confirmed its intention to introduce a new truck restriction on AP1 and N1 in Burgos every summer Sunday and on other holidays. This decision is motivated by excessive traffic on these roads on holidays and safety reasons.

In a letter sent to national transport organisations, Pere Navarro, Director of DGT, stresses the urgent need for this new restriction, which will stop truck traffic on the AP1 from Burgos all the way to the French border. In fact, since the elimination of road tolls at the end of 2018, traffic there has increased by a quarter

The ban, as reported by the Federation of Transport Associations Fenadismer, will apply to AP1 and N1:

– every Sunday from 7 June to 13 September 2020 from 4 pm to 9 pm,

– on Sunday, 22 March from 4 pm to 9 pm,

– on Friday 3 April from 4 pm to 9 pm,

– on Mondays, 12 October and 2 November from 4 pm to 9 pm,

– on Tuesday, 8 December from 4 pm to 9 pm.

Bans for trucks

Photo: Wikimedia/Jorge Franganillo CC SA 2.0
