Amid reports of trucks stuck in queues for several hours in order to board ferries, largely as a result of increased traffic from tourists, the Norwegian Truck Owners Association (NLF) has called for trucks to have their own dedicated boarding lane.
There have been reports of trucks being delayed by as long as 4 hours in queues, which representatives of the NLF have described as “completely unacceptable” as well as “complete madness that must be rectified immediately”.
According to the NLF, many drivers have complained about the delays, which make it “completely impossible” to plangiven the need to adhere to drivers' hours rules.
Frank Lauritz Jensen of the Norwegian Truck Owners' Association agrees, saying that “the long time in the ferry queue is not compatible with the rules for driving and rest time regulations”.
His solution is for a seperate lane to be used for trucks:
We simply demand that all commercial transport be allowed to run in a separate lane that gives trucks priority on the ferries. Then those who have a holiday will just have to stand there for a few extra hours.
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