With the increasing demand for improving life quality, urbanisation and the cost of living gets higher; there is currently a global tendency to strengthen infrastructure, digital transformation, and investing in development. Numerous cities worldwide are dealing with an overpopulation crisis, causing a shortage of resources. This overpopulation creates social and economic inequality, resulting in a progressive confrontation in a coexistent society.
What is a Smart City?
The Smart City approach applies edge-technology, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) which are great tools when planning it. They gather data, monitor processes, generate better policies, enhance sustainability, increase economic development, and heighten the local citizens’ life-wellness; utility companies play a crucial role in Smart Cities.
Governments and businesses are implementing new strategies to build up modern Smart City to better monitor operational areas such as waste and water management, traffic and mobility, mobility and transportation control; amid these factors, energy is vital. It could only be successful if thinking on long-term strategies; constant efforts to update operations encompassing the neglected and needy citizen via a balanced-regional enhancement.
Why we need Smart Cities?
· To deal with the overpopulation crisis and the scarcity of resources and services; the social and economic imbalance, a seamless integration among people, sites, systems, and assets.
· Smart Cities use the best edge-technology possible.
· The design for the best use of resources, facilities, and space, plus leveraging efficient distribution of benefits, upgrading operational efficiency whilst downgrading energy cost.
· Implementation of safety, cybersecurity, and regulatory compliance are vital.
· They also improve and expand connectivity among citizens, administration, industries and public properties such as hospitals, schools, roads.
· To tackle existing systems’ repetitive actions to save time and money, providing service-level agreements.
· It focuses on improving inhabitant’s lifestyles to adapt to present-day demands accordingly.
· They are environment-friendly, using devices to track air-cleanliness level and health-related factors.
· Its investment must also encompass workforce maintenance, evaluates and improves structures.
· It will raise the social and psychological population’s essentials.
Smart City Index:
Governance – Transparency – Workforce – Technology – Economy – Social cohesion – Environment – Public Gestion – Urban planning – International projection – Mobility
Transport and Commuting
In most countries, Transport and Mobility represent annual losses due to traffic jams and deplorable roads. Digitalised-mobility services are vital in diminishing pollution levels. Centralised-servers use multiple control devices for traffic-lights based on real-time data, helping users source the public transport efficiently, benefiting from real-time routes, planning smart mobility at residential, commercial and business areas.
Smart City enhance digital-first communities.
More than ever, becoming digital forecasts a prosperous future. Most sectors like Government, Education, Health and businesses SC are currently working remotely, developing and delivering services or holding virtual meetings. The Smart City approach is here to develop an increasingly digital-first society with the long-term goal of creating sustainable development principles.
Experience shows significant outcomes:
· Seamless integration among people, sites, systems, and assets.
· Upgraded operational efficiency and downgraded energy cost.
· Implementation of safety, cybersecurity, and regulatory observance.
· Smart City goes beyond expectancies whilst providing service-level pacts.
· The emphasis on Smart cities is escalating the demand for integrated Command and Control Centres.
· There is a request for innovative infrastructure developments to stay significant- smart-sustainable well into the future.
· Whether from an economic-social standpoint, we require a more well-organised-advanced infrastructure to deal with contemporary social concerns.
· Smart infrastructure will support sustainability and suitable technology to endure and maintain these procedures to cut capital spending.
· Innovating technology combined with the right approach – a System of a Systems approach – can support a real-time decision, monitoring, performance management, and collaboration, ensuring that the best technology supports processes and people.
· Edge-technology supports your operating performance in your next intelligent infrastructure strategy.
Further comments: The current pandemic disruption on the Supply Chain, Health, Economy, Education, plus the Environment, caused social deterioration demanding us to act fast.
To achieve this, all partakers need to form a synergy committed to working out innovative ways to optimise spending, improve efficiency, and implement policies to raise the quality of life of those living beyond urban cities.
Is your community aware of the benefits a Smart City thrive?
Dave Food