
This Spanish region introduces a new obligation at the border. It also includes professional drivers

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On July 29, a new obligation came into force in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic in Galicia, Spain. The region requires a special form to be completed. Road freight transport workers must also comply, reports the Spanish federation of transport unions Fenadismer.

According to the Regulation of the Xunta de Galicia (Council of Galicia), which entered into force last Wednesday, all those entering the region from the most remote areas in Spain affected by the coronavirus pandemic and people travelling from abroad must fill in the form in the sanitary register. This obligation also applies to truck and van drivers,” explains Fenadismer. 

Thus, all persons who enter Galicia and have stayed for the last 14 days in Catalonia, La Rioja, Navarre, Aragon and the Basque Country and abroad (list of countries available in the form ), must register in the Health Register. 

The form can be completed online (under the following link) or by phone, within a maximum of 24 hours of entry into Galicia.

According to the Spanish transport federation, carriers should be exempt from this new bureaucratic burden because it will ‚adversely affect the flow of goods’ and road transport activities, which, according to the federation, play a key role during the pandemic.  

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
