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Records show truck traffic decline in Germany in the first half of 2024

The traffic of commercial goods vehicles weighing over 7.5 tonnes on German roads and highways decreased in June and year-on-year, as well as over the entire first half of the year.

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The Federal Office for Logistics and Mobility (BALM) has published toll statistics for June and the entire first half of 2024.

Last month, the mileage of all trucks on German roads decreased by 5.3%. German trucks recorded a decrease of 5% (with a mileage of approximately 1.88 billion km), and Polish trucks by 5.9% (approximately 627 million km).

Even Lithuanian trucks travelled fewer kilometres in June compared to a year ago – the result of 121 million km was 1.5% lower than last year at the same time. This is the first decline in several years for Lithuanian carriers, who have regularly recorded increases since the pandemic, overtaking Romania, the Netherlands, and the Czech Republic in statistics. As of December 2022, they occupy the second position (behind Poland) among foreign carriers on German toll roads (in terms of mileage).

Meanwhile, the decline in traffic throughout the entire half-year was smaller than in June itself. The mileage of trucks on German motorways and federal roads decreased by 1.3% during this period on a year-on-year basis. German carriers recorded a mileage of approximately 11.2 billion km, a decrease of 1.5%.

During the first six months of this year, Polish trucks drove approximately 3.8 billion km on German roads, which is 1.2% less than a year ago. However, Lithuania recorded growth in the first half of the year. Trucks from this country travelled around Germany for a total of around 735 million km, which is 5.9% more than in the same period last year.

In terms of share, German trucks accounted for 56.3% of the total mileage in the first six months. The share of Polish trucks during this period was 19.1%, and Lithuanian trucks accounted for 3.7%. For comparison, in the first half of last year, these shares were 56.4%, 19.1%, and 3.5%, respectively.