
Using your mobile while driving will now be punished much more severely in France

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The new French legislation provides for a severe penalty for offences committed by the driver with a mobile phone in his hand. Professional drivers will be the most affected. 

If a driver with the phone in his hand on the French road does not turn on the turn signal, does not stop at the stop sign, exceeds the speed limit, or hits the white line, soon he may lose his driving licencePolice officers will be able to revoke the driving licence immediately after the detection of such an offence – for a period from one week to 15 days.

Elisabeth Borne, Minister of Transport, announced that the penalties will be tightened up and the use of mobile phones will be fought harder. The current sanctions do not seem to be sufficient. According to the Axa Prévention report published in June, 70% of French drivers admit to using their mobile phones while driving. Currently, there is a fine of €135 and three penalty points for using your phone while driving in France. 

The new, stricter rules are part of the French Mobility Act (Loi d’orientation et mobilités, abbreviated LOM). The LOM has been already voted through by the lower house of the French parliament, and further work on the new act will be carried out by a joint committee of members of the lower house and senators. 

According to the Le Parisien daily, the increased penalties should be implemented by decree at the beginning of the school year, i.e. in September.

Penalties in other countries 

Germany tightened up the provisions in the area mentioned above in 2017. Since then, the use of a mobile phone by the driver while driving is punishable by a fine of €100, i.e. €40 more than before the change of law. The rules apply equally to telephones as to tablets, laptops, e-book readers and smart glasses.

If an accident or property damage occurs through the use of any of these devices, the driver faces a fine of €150 or €200 and risks losing his driving licence for one month.

In Spain, a fine of €200 and 3 penalty points may be imposed for using a mobile phone behind the wheel.

Photo: Pixabay
