
Additional 500 German police officers control the border with Austria

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A new unit of the Bavarian police controls the border with Austria. Police officers carry out inspections on three large highway border crossings. Drivers should prepare for delays.

Approximately one thousand illegal immigrants cross the Austrian-Bavarian border every month. That is why the German government agreed with the Bavarian authorities that the police of this state would support the federal police in carrying out the controls on the border with Austria. To this end, a new border police unit was created comprised of 500 officers.

Flexible controls

Their activities are to complement the controls carried out on three large highways border crossings. Border police are to carry out controls flexibly and every hour move to another passage. Additional inspections can only be carried out with the consent or at the request of the German federal government.

In connection with the activities of the German police on the border with Austria, drivers can expect delays at the crossings.

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