
Dutch police found a new way to control if a truck driver is using a phone

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Dutch policemen are once again surprising the drivers with an unusual approach to roadside checks. This time, officers watched the road and its users from a bus.

All you have to do is look at the mobile phone for 4 seconds, to go 100 m blindly at 90 km/h. Across Europe, there are many accidents every year caused by the distraction of a driver using a phone or other mobile device. The Dutch police are focusing on these types of offenses by using quite unusual methods.

In 2017, its officers controlled trucks from a camper, this week they checked truck drivers from a tourist bus. This means of transport, especially for reasons of height and better visibility, allows officers to more effectively observe the behavior of truck drivers. Not without significance is the fact that hardly any trucker expects an inspection carried out by bus passengers.

Police officers from the East of Holland carried out an inspection campaign in the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel last Tuesday and Wednesday. As reported by local media, they punished a total of 440 drivers.

The Dutch police have announced further checks for using the phone behind the wheel. The only question is how will they surprise the drivers this time?

