Photo credits @ Tollcollect

German toll statistics for H1: share of German trucks has increased

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The Federal Office for Goods Transport (BAG) published toll statistics for the first half of 2020. Traffic on German federal roads fell by 4.5% compared to the same period in 2019. The share of German trucks has increased.
In June this year, the mileage of trucks on German toll roads increased by 4.7% compared to May this year. We can therefore speak of a considerable recovery, both in transport and in the economy. On a y/y basis, last month saw a 3% increase, although we should take into account the higher number of working days in June 2020 (21 compared to 19 in June 2019). After considering this fact, according to BAG, compared to June last year, the truck mileage in the same month of this year was in fact 3.8% lower. 

Particularly noteworthy is Lithuania, which is the only EU country to have recorded an increase of 4.7% in the first 6 months of this year compared to the first half of 2019. Thus, the share of Lithuanians in German toll statistics jumped to 2.9%. 

In June, Lithuanian trucks drove 4.3% more kilometres on German roads than a year ago.

In contrast, exceptionally severe double-digit falls were recorded in the first half of the year by the following countries: France (-12.3%), Finland (-14.7%), Romania (-12.3%), Sweden (-11.8%), Slovakia (-17.3%), Czech Republic (-14.1%), Hungary (-12.8%) and Cyprus (-22.0%).

Polish trucks increased their result from June last year by 2.6%, driving a total of about 543 million km. This is, however, twice as small an increase as the German trucks (5.3%), which travelled nearly 2 billion km on toll roads in the same period. When it comes to the results for the whole half-year, trucks from Poland decreased their mileage compared to the same period in 2019 by 4.7%. 

Photo: TollCollect
