Background photo: marcofedermann / Pixabay

Thanks to our readers and contributors for a record-breaking 2021

As 2021 comes to close, another 12 months of intensive supply chain challenges is now behind us. Wild fluctuations in demand, Brexit disruption, record-high shipping rates and a Suez Canal blockage are just a few of the major themes in what has been a tough sequel to 2020.

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Thankfully, with the help of the industry specialists that write for us and speak to us, we’ve been able to shed light on these developments and reach out to more people than ever before. Trans.INFO’s readership has grown to an all time yearly high, while our English-language service for readers across the globe has skyrocketed by over 50% year-on-year.

Of course, this wouldn’t have been possible without all of our highly-valued contributors, partners and sponsors.

So in this post, we’d like to pay tribute to all of those who contributed to Trans.INFO in 2021 from across the logistics and supply chain spectrum, whether it be from the road transport, rail freight, shipping, tech or supply chain sectors.


A large part of our success in 2021 is down to the quality and range of contributions we have received from industry experts.

The most prolific among those has been David Food, who has touched on almost every industry topic imaginable in the last 12 months doing his bi-weekly Prophetic Technology blog. Marek Różycki of Last Mile Experts has also been a regular contributor via our weekly Last Mile Brief vlog.

Other notable contributions to our English-language service have come from shipping and Maritime Informatics specialist Mikael Lind and colleagues; supply chain expert Rob O’Byrne; Marian Pufahl, Synfioo GmbH CEO; Radu Palamariu and Andrei Palamariu of Alcott Global; Rytis Beresnevičius and Ieva Venskuvienė of Girteka Logistics; Cynthia Kalina-Kaminsky, Process & Strategy Solutions CEO; Mirek Gral of Last Mile Experts; business transformation expert Sean Culley; Nexxiot AG co-founder Dan MacGregor; novosensus founder Henrik Kofod-Hansen; Bobbie Ttooulis, Executive Director of Global Freight Solutions; Freightender CEO Pieter Kinds; Supply Chain and Technology Strategist Wolfgang Lehmacher; Alan Braithwaite, Non-Executive Director at Ltd; Anjuli Steffen, project44 Global Vice President – Network; Jesper Bennike, Executive Director of Sixfold; Hristo Petkov, Global Vertical Head of Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare, A.P. Moller – Maersk; Nicholas Zabikow, Executive Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing at Yojee; Jochum Reuter, Vice President of EMEA Operations at FourKites.

Thank you all for your contributions this year. Readers can visit our Author section to read all of the articles from our regular writers and guest contributors.


Moreover, this year Trans.INFO’s English-language service published more in-depth interviews with industry experts than ever before. Some of the contributors above were among them

Others to speak to Trans.INFO this year were Tomasz Gonsior, Managing Director at specialist manufacturing firm IMA Technik, and Partner at procurement consulting & technology firm OptiBuy; Antons Gordejevs, Head of Customs Solutions at Unsworth; Glenn Carr, Managing Director of Rosslare Port; Omera Kahn, Professor of Supply Chain Management at Royal Holloway; Yossi Sheffi, Director of MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics; Laura Cardwell, Managing Director of Lymm Truckwash;  Damian Krzywosądzki, Group Business Development Director at Raben Group; Hein Oomen, Head Of Business Development at Zero Emission Services; Christian Barrot, Dean of Programs and Professor of Marketing and Innovation at Kühne Logistics University; Mike Fitzgerald, CEO of Netfeasa; Michael Clover, Transport Intelligence’s Head Of Commercial Development; Nick Allen, CEO of the British Meat Processors Association; Kristian Kaas Mortensen, Senior Director of Global Partnerships & Alliances at project44; Gabor Balogh, co-founder of Trucksters; Cecile Arnaud, Director of International Development at Hardis Group; Heiner Murmann, CEO of Orkestra SCS; Eugenia Ceballos Hunziker of LafargeHolcim; CustomsLink consultant Alex McDonald; Stephanie Joy Benedetto, founder of Queen of Raw; Piotr Hunker, CEO of Trans.EU; Nick Poels, CEO of SupplyStack; supply chain expert Dr. Muddassir Ahmed; Dr. Susana Val Director of Zaragoza Logistics Centre; Mark Steel, Europe Managing Director at the Pall-Ex Group; Michael Nutto of the PTV Group; Gary Whittle, Commercial Director at Meacher’s Global Logistics; freight forwarder John Shirley; Transport Exchange CEO Lyall Cresswell; Dr. Michael Feindt, Strategic Advisor at Blue Yonder; John Davidson, External Relations Director of Scotland Food and Drink; sennder co-founder David Nothacker; supply chain advisor and author Deborah Ellis; Pete White, Director of Whites Transport Services; Prof. Dr. Dr. H. c. Michael ten Hompel, managing director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML; Thomas Spieker, CEO for Shippeo Central Europe; Len Pannett, 3D printing expert and author; Maciej Szczepański, Business Development Manager at Cushman & Wakefield.

All of these interviews can be found on our dedicated interviews page.

Once again, thanks to everybody who has spoken to Trans.INFO over the last 12 months. We’d also like to extend our gratitude to the team at Alcott Global, who have helped to facilitate some of these interviews as part of our media patronage of various high-profile virtual conferences.


Finally, thanks to all our readers for following our website. We hope to see you again in 2022, and on behalf of everyone at Trans.INFO, I wish you a happy new year.

Background photo: marcofedermann / Pixabay