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Warning! Truck bans in force in 3 German states and Catalonia this weekend

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Although the relaxation of truck traffic bans still applies in most German states, some regions have already reintroduced the restrictions. This weekend, truck bans will be in force not only in 3 federal states but also in Catalonia!

In Bavaria, the relaxation of truck bans expired on 14 June. The Federal Office for Freight Transport (BAG) has announced that this state will not prolong the loosening and as of 15 June, they are in force as before the pandemic. Two other German regions did the same at the beginning of June – Saxony and Berlin, where traffic bans were resumed from 1 and 2 June. This means that next Sunday trucks will not be allowed to travel on the roads in these states.

Let us remind you that half of the German states lifted Sunday and holiday restrictions on truck traffic by the end of August (August 30 and 31).

These states are:

  • Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania,
  • Lower Saxony,
  • North Rhine-Westphalia,
  • Schleswig-Holstein,
  • Rhineland-Palatinate,
  • Saxony-Anhalt,
  • Thuringia,
  • Bremen. 

The forthcoming expiration of the relaxation (unless regional governments decide to extend it) will take place on 24 June in Hamburg, 30 June in Hesse and Baden-Württemberg. Brandenburg is going to keep the relaxation in force for the longest – until 30 September.

Catalonian truck bans in force again

This weekend, truck traffic bans in Catalonia will be reintroduced, according to the Spanish federation of transport associations Fenadismer

With the end of the state of emergency in Spain, the Catalans will reintroduce truck bans on Sunday, 21 June

The provisions of Resolution INT / 383/2020 of 13 February, which was published in the Spanish Official Journal (BOE) on 17 February, maintained the restrictions from previous years for vehicles with a GVW above 7.5 t:

every Saturday from 10:00 to 14:00 on N-II from 630 kilometres to 682 in kilometre in both directions.

– on all Sundays and holidays from 17:00 to 22:00 in both directions on N-II from 630 kilometres to 682 kilometres; on the N-340 from Villafranca del Penedés to Cervelló and on the N-340A from Cervelló to Quatre Camins.

every Saturday in July from 10:00 or 11:00 to 14:00; every Sunday in July from 17:00 to 22:00 on different Catalan roads. 

We also remind you that there is also a ban on N-240 and N-340 and mandatory redirection to toll roads AP-7 and AP-2 for trucks with 4 or more axles.

A novelty in Catalan restrictions is the ban on truck traffic on the N-230 in the Aran Valley in the winter season. This applies on the road between 149 kilometres and 187 kilometres and on sections between 116 and 149 kilometres. You can check all details on a regular basis thanks to the Bans For Trucks application.

Originally, this year’s bans were also intended to cover fruit and vegetables, but ultimately, under pressure from carrier organizations, the government withdrew this idea.

Bans for trucks

Photo: Pixabay
