Dutch HGV inspectors to check extra tachograph data from young transport companies

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The Dutch Human Environment and Transport Authority (ILT) is to carry out extra inspections on transport companies that were founded in 2018-2019. The authority will check tachograph data and conduct interviews with the company by phone.

Using the “system assessment” methodology, ILT would like to gain more insight into the extent to which these young companies are complying with road freight legislation and what they are doing in-house to ensure compliance.

Normally, the ILT does not visit new road transport companies (new permit holders) until it detects violations during roadside inspections, or because of some red flags during other supervisory processes.

Tachograph data and questionnaire

Due to the coronavirus, the inspections will happen remotely. First, ILT shall ask companies to digitally submit tachograph information about a certain period of time. Then, the authority will analyze the data and looking for violations of the regulations.

Secondly, the ILT will interview companies by phone about their business processes.

Finally, companies will receive an assessment via post about the findings.

The assessment will be repeated

After about a year, the ILT will repeat the system assessment at these companies. In this way, the ILT can check whether the initial assessment – where necessary – has led to changes in business processes and better compliance with transport laws.

ILT supervision focuses on fair and safe road transport. The ILT enforces the rules for drivers’ hours’, among other things, with the aim of: combating unfair competition in the transport sector, guaranteeing the safety, health and welfare of drivers and the safety of other road users” – explains ILT its reasons for these inspections.

Photo credit @ ILT
